How do I Choose the Best Porcelain Grills?

Porcelain grills have a strong, non-stick surface for optimum grilling. When choosing such a grill, it is important to recognize the different types available. The most common are either cast iron or steel with a porcelain coating. When considering this type of grill, it is important to keep in mind that metal cooking tools and hard metal scrapers cannot be used on a porcelain grill, as they will mar the cooking surface. The quality of the porcelain, size, and ease of clean-up are important factors to consider when making your purchase.

Porcelain grills help hold in heat. Porcelain is a good heat conductor, so when the grill is fired up it continues to maintain an even temperature longer than an uncoated grill might. This aids in even cooking for meats and vegetables. An important factor to consider, therefore, when comparing different porcelain grills is the quality of the porcelain. A cheaper-quality porcelain will quickly chip, leaving the metal under it exposed. These exposed metal surfaces can quickly rust, causing an unhealthy environment for grilling. A high-quality porcelain-coated cast iron grill is the best for long-term use, with minimal required maintenance to keep the cooking surface in optimum condition.

Prior to making a decision as to which type of grill to purchase, it is important to read the directions for cleaning. Depending on how the porcelain was applied and the metal onto which it has been coated and sealed, different cleaning techniques will be necessary. For many people, the maintenance required for a specific grill can prove to be a deciding factor in its purchase.

These grills come in many shapes and sizes, and choosing one will largely be dependent upon your specific grilling needs. Some grills have more than one level, while others offer only one grilling surface. Some have removable grates, which allow for easier access when cleaning. These are important factors to consider when choosing the best grill.

Although many other grills prove to be popular choices, porcelain grills continue to be a favorite of many due to their non-stick surface. With a bit of care, these grills can be kept in good working condition for many years. A soft metal bristled cleaning brush is the most effective tool for keeping porcelain grills in good shape for many years.