People who suffer from diabetes must make many changes in their lives, especially when it comes to diet. Many foods must be limited or eliminated altogether. This includes those that contain sugar or certain types of carbohydrates that quickly turn into glucose. High glucose levels can be dangerous, so diabetics must also test their blood sugar frequently. Diabetic desserts and other special foods can be helpful.
Desserts are generally the first item removed from the diet. This can lead to a feeling of deprivation. However, there are some diabetic desserts available. Some of the simplest to make and least expensive are sugar free gelatins and puddings. There are many flavors of these desserts offered, and they can be found in any supermarket.
Many diabetic desserts are made with fruit. Fruit salads made from a combination of different types of fresh fruit are one example. Another option is sliced fruit with a small amount of whipped topping. Whipped toppings are also available in “lite” formulas, which can be added to sugar free Jell-O or pudding as well.
When it comes to canned fruits as options for diabetic desserts, the best choices are those packed in natural juices with no sugar added. A person with diabetes can eat them alone, eat them with whipped topping, or add them to special low sugar cake mixes.
Most grocery stores have sections that include foods made particularly for special types of diets. This is a good place to find a variety of diabetic desserts including low glucose candies. Also, check the freezer section at your market for desserts. There are many different types of frozen treats such as sugar free ice pops, fudge pops, ice cream, and sherbets.
Recipes for diabetic desserts can be found in many cookbooks and online. You can follow recipes precisely or use them as inspiration to create other desserts for diabetics. Using a cookbook is a good way to learn how to use other ingredients in place of sugar and how to convert particular amounts of products like Splenda or other sugar substitutes to replace sugar in standard recipes.
Remember that just because something is labeled low sugar, that does not mean it can be eaten in large quantities. It is best to continue limiting desserts. Check with your health care provider to learn which types of substitutions he or she recommends.