What are the Best Natural Ways to Raise Serotonin Levels?

There is some disagreement about the best specific methods to raise serotonin levels, but there are a few general guidelines. According to most experts, the best natural methods to raise serotonin levels are exercising and eating a carefully balanced diet. Other methods can also be helpful, including getting sufficient sleep, meditating, and doing things that generally improve mood naturally. Many scientists think that serotonin is directly related to depression, and there are some synthetic medications that can raise levels, but many people prefer a more natural approach.

When it comes to diet, there is a lot of a disagreement among experts about the best approach to raise serotonin levels. On the one hand, there are experts who suggest people eat a large number of carbohydrates. It is generally proven that carbohydrates can raise serotonin levels, but there are some experts that believe carbohydrates may have a tendency to cause peaks and valleys in this chemical. These experts often recommend that people focus on lean protein sources that can increase serotonin, including chicken, turkey, lean pork, and fish.

Most experts generally recommend that people find some kind of dietary balance. For example, many who favor high-carbohydrate diets also favor including a specified portion of serotonin-raising proteins, and the protein diet supporters advocate the inclusion of certain carbohydrates. More scientific research will probably be needed to prove one approach over the other, but in general terms, balance seems to be a unifying theme in both camps.

Exercise is one of the most common and universally recommended ways to raise serotonin levels. Research has generally shown that serotonin will rise as a direct result of physical activity, and people who exercise regularly are often less troubled with symptoms of depression. In general, any method of exercise can potentially raise serotonin in the brain, but some experts suggest people focus on light aerobic exercises, partly because they may be easier to perform.

Another method of raising serotonin levels is to perform various mental exercises, such as meditation. Many people use meditation as a way to improve their overall mood, and this may have some effect on serotonin, although there is generally less scientific research supporting these approaches. Along the same lines, some people may try to increase serotonin by changing their lifestyle and spending more time doing things that enhance their moods. There is some research to show that many pleasurable daily activities can potentially change brain chemistry.