What Happens to Ovulation After Implantation?

Essentially, nothing happens to ovulation after implantation. Implantation is the process through which a fertilized egg is implanted in a woman’s uterus. The egg is fertilized after ovulation, and implantation typically occurs at least a few days later. This means that by the time implantation occurs, ovulation is over and will not occur again until the woman is no longer pregnant. Ovulation is basically put on hold once fertilization and implantation have occurred.

In order for a woman to become pregnant, she must ovulate. This means an egg must be released from an ovary. The egg is usually only viable for about 24 hours, during which time sperm could fertilize it and begin a pregnancy. After the egg is released from the ovaries, it travels through a woman’s fallopian tube toward her uterus. When conception occurs, it usually takes place in the fallopian tube. Once the egg is released from the ovary, however, ovulation is complete.

Implantation can only occur if a sperm meets and fertilizes the egg after ovulation. As such, there is usually no such thing as ovulation after implantation. In order for ovulation after implantation to occur, a woman would have to conceive a child and then ovulate again. This is unlikely to occur.

Typically, the only time anything happens with ovulation after implantation is if there is a problem with the pregnancy or the woman gives birth. For example, if an egg is fertilized and implanted in a woman’s uterus, she will not ovulate again until after she has given birth to her child. If she has a miscarriage, however, or terminates the pregnancy, her normal cycle of fertility will usually resume, and she will begin to ovulate again.

In some cases, a woman may believe that she is experiencing ovulation after implantation because she mistakenly thinks she is pregnant. For example, if a woman misses a menstrual period, she may assume she has conceived. Before she takes a pregnancy test, she may notice signs of ovulation, such as clear, stretchy cervical mucous; this may actually indicate that she is experiencing a change in her menstrual cycle that has caused her to ovulate later than usual. Sometimes a woman’s period may be extremely late and cause this type of confusion; some women may even skip a period or two. A woman can still conceive, however, even if her menstrual cycles are irregular or late from time to time.