What Are the Different Types of Kids’ Affirmations?

Affirmations for kids are positive forms of speech that establish confidence and strengthen relationships. There are many examples that can be catered to an individual based on age, developmental status and individual needs. Some types of affirmations are those for self-confidence, spiritual, emotional, social or health needs, and they can be used daily or for other periods of time. More personalized types might be used for specific circumstances.

A good affirmation helps a child understand the relationship between cause and effect. For example, a child learns that when he or she studies hard, he or she does well on a test. To be successful with using kids’ affirmations, one should personalize them to the child based on the age, vocabulary and needs of the child. For example, for a very young child, “I am a great kid” is an easy affirmation to understand. For an older child, “I am proud of the grades I worked toward” might be more appropriate.

One type of kids’ affirmations is a focus on self-confidence. Creative affirmations in this department build up a child and set a positive self-image for years to come. Some examples for younger children might be “I am a loving brother,” “I am good at reading” or “I am smart.” Older children’s affirmations might be along the lines of “I can do anything I set my mind to,” “I am a good example for others to follow” or “I am proud of my basketball skills.”

Another type might fulfill a spiritual or emotional need. Children who are discovering their feelings might benefit from using kids’ affirmations that strengthen these values. Early childhood examples might be “I am safe” or “I am loved.” Later examples might be “I am forgiving,” “I choose my feelings by the example I set” or “I accept good things in my life.”

Children who are trying to develop social skills should be encouraged to use kids’ affirmations that support this goal. Younger children might use “I am a good friend,” “I am helpful” or “I am kind.” Older kids might use examples such as “I have a lot of friends that love me” or “I am able to express myself clearly to others.”

A child who is ill might find comfort in healthy affirmations for kids. For example, “I am strong,” “I am healthy” can be used for children who have basic vocabularies and “I take good care of my body” or “I love my body” can be used for older kids. Especially with this category, more creative examples can be developed based on the specific circumstances.
Daily affirmations are a type that make repetition key. Marketing experts have said that an effective commercial must repeat a concept three or four times to gain permanence in the minds of the audience. Likewise, children’s affirmations spoken only once are less likely to be remembered than ones spoken several times over the course of many days. Hearing kids’ affirmations from a trusted adult over and over will make the words more believable and understood.

Other events might warrant individualized types of affirmations. Children who are coping with the death of a loved one, flying in an airplane for the first time or starting at a new school might need more specific kids’ affirmations that are tailored to their needs. Conversations with the child should be kept open to uncover their needs. The words used should be understandable to their developmental stage and should be repeated to establish permanence.