What are the Best Ways to Maintain Good Eyesight?

Good eyesight can be maintained through a variety of ways. Individuals can protect their vision by getting regular eye exams, eating a healthy diet, wearing protective glasses and avoiding unnecessary eye strain. High sugar diets, smoking, hazardous work situations and ultraviolet rays are some of the factors that deteriorate vision.

Vision usually declines as individuals age, but regular eye exams and corrective eye glasses can help prevent or slow down the deterioration. With retina deterioration comes vision loss, a condition referred to as macular degeneration. Early detection can help slow down this condition. Glaucoma, a disease characterized by optic nerve damage, can also be dealt with in early detection. Although not reversible, the progress of this eye disease can be slowed down with special eye drops.

Eating a healthy diet can help preserve good eyesight. Starchy foods and foods high in sugar increase the risk of macular degeneration. Increased daily intake of vegetables, legumes and refined grains has been linked with lower incidence of macular degeneration. Diets that are high in antioxidant foods, such as blueberries, spinach and kale, also are associated with lower incidence of eye deterioration.

Adequate levels of vitamin A in the diet are essential for good eyesight. This vitamin has also been known to play a role in treating night blindness. Carrots, liver, eggs, fish and dairy products are rich in vitamin A. In lieu of consuming these foods, vitamin A supplements can be taken, but should not be consumed in high doses, as excessive amounts can negatively impact eye health.

Maintaining a healthy weight and exercising regularly are also important for good eyesight. Overweight individuals have a higher chance of developing various eye diseases. High cholesterol and hypertension can cause a decrease in the flow of blood to the eyes. Regular exercise and nutritious diets help increase blood circulation and protect against eye problems.

Some work conditions place excessive stress on the eyes and increase the risk of eye damage. Staring endlessly at a computer screen is one example. This can sometimes lead to dry eyes, which can be remedied by taking regular breaks and using special eye drops. Other work environments might expose individuals to flying particles, chemicals and light radiation. In these cases, good eyesight can be preserved by wearing face shields and goggles.

Cigarette toxins can cause eye blood vessel damage. Smokers have a higher chance of developing eye diseases than non-smokers. Quitting a smoking habit and avoiding being around second-hand smoke can help preserve good eyesight.