What is Ergotropic Tuning?

Ergotropic tuning is a process that results in reprogramming the nerves to respond more quickly and with a greater degree of urgency to stress. Generally, ergotropic tuning takes place on a subconscious level as a result of prolonged periods of stress that impact the natural breathing cycle of the individual. The result of this reprogramming of natural body rhythms can lead to a number of stress related health issues, such as a weakened immune system, emotional problems with depression and anxiety, and panic disorders.

The initiation of ergotropic tuning begins in what is known as the parasympathic system of the body. This system is crucial to the automatic process of breathing. As unhealthy levels of stress are maintained for an extended period of time, the system begins to alter the breathing process slightly, in an attempt to compensate for the exterior pressure. As a result, the flow of oxygen to the brain is impacted, along with the signals that are sent throughout the nervous system of the body.

Fortunately, it is possible to reverse the effects caused by ergotropic tuning. Researchers have found that in addition to finding ways to outwardly minimize the stress, making use of breathing exercises can simultaneously aid in stress reduction and help to return the parasympathic system to a breathing pattern that resembles the pre-stress function. When this happens, the body begins to reverse the adverse impact of stress on the body and mind, resulting in a fully functioning immune system and a well-balanced emotional

Currently, there are a few devices on the market today that are touted to measure the current pattern of breathing and determine if there are any signs of ergotropic tuning present. If so, the administration of breathing exercises for as little as fifteen minutes per day are understood to be helpful in reversing the tuning to a more natural rhythm. At the same time, the adjustment of the involuntary breathing pattern will help the body’s natural defense systems gain strength and begin to deal with the ill effects of unhealthy stress levels. Some proponents of these devices state that benefits may be derived in as little as thirty consecutive days of daily use.