What Causes Aches All over?

The human body has many ways of noting when something is off or just not right. Body aches are one way that the body communicates when something is potentially wrong. The cause of body aches can be no cause for alarm; however, chronic aches all over the body can manifest as an infection, invading pathogen, or other severe biological ailments.
Body aches tend to be a common occurrence post-workout. After rigorous exercise, the body will try to recuperate, actively trying to repair the small tears in the muscles caused by the constant motion body exercises. The healing of these tears will result in bigger and stronger muscles. Aches throughout the body is just part of the package for individuals who work out rigorously.

The onset of infectious diseases like the common cold or influenza will be accompanied by chronic aches all over the body. These types of body ailments are caused by an uninfected person coming into contact with the cold virus. Once infected, the immune system will release white blood cells to metabolize infected cells, which can result in aches and transient body pains.

A very common cause of body aches is the viral infection mononucleosis, commonly known as mono or “the kissing disease,” since it is transmitted most commonly through saliva. Other common symptoms of mono are a severely sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, and general malaise including drowsiness and a desire to sleep more than normal. In addition, the spleen or liver may become enlarged and could become potentially dangerous for the body. Mono can only be diagnosed by a blood test, the severity can only be diagnosed by a physician.

Acrodynia, a condition that is caused when an individual comes into contact with mercury, can result in nerve damage, discoloration of the body’s extremities, as well as chronic aches all over the body. The aches are caused by the body’s immune system activating the lymph nodes, allowing the immune system to eradicate the heavy metal from the body. As the body tries to ward off acrodynia, body aches and pains will generally occur.

Fibromyalgia is a disorder with symptoms ranging from body aches, extreme fatigue, sleep disorder, and memory issues. The cause of fibromyalgia is not readily known, but it has been noted to be tied with genetics, infections, and trauma. Fibromyalgia is noted to cause body aches all over, chronic nerve pain, and reduced vitality.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is an ailment that shares similar symptoms to fibromyalgia. An infected person tends to be consistently tired, even after ample bed rest. The condition is noted to cause body aches all over, as the body will seem to not have enough rest to energizer itself. A noted difference between fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome sufferers is that individuals infected with fibromyalgia can only be cured with a combination of bed rest and medications, whereas chronic fatigue syndrome sufferers still feeling achy, even with ample rest.