What Are the Different Types of Health Affiliate Programs?

Health affiliate programs pay the affiliate for each product or service that the affiliate sells using their own marketing and selling efforts. Some of the different types of health affiliate programs include nutrition affiliate programs, diet affiliate programs, hospital affiliate programs, medical affiliate programs, health care affiliate programs, fitness affiliate programs. Other ways the health affiliate programs can differ is how the affiliate is paid. Some affiliate programs pay a flat rate or percentage of a sale, while other health affiliate programs pay per lead that the affiliate sends.

Generally, health affiliate programs are online programs. Website owners and bloggers can post banners or text links that contain a special code. The link or banner takes the Internet visitor to the affiliate product or service and the special code allows the seller of the product or service know where the referral sale came from so they know which affiliate to pay.

Nutrition affiliate programs typically allow affiliates to offer various nutritional products. The products can range from food and drink products to nutritional information such as books and workbooks.
Diet affiliate programs tend to refer Internet visitors to some type of diet program or product. Hospital affiliate programs would refer clients typically to specialty hospitals, such as those that deal with addictions, cancer or other diseases. Health care affiliate programs can range from books and products that help with overall health and wellness to selling a book, DVD or CD program about health and wellness. Fitness affiliate programs tend to sell books or video products that teach buyers how to work out or exercise.

Types of health affiliate programs also vary according to how the affiliate receives payment. Some affiliate programs pay a flat rate fee or a percentage of the sale of the products or the services that the person who was referred by your link purchases. Some health affiliate programs even pay the affiliate again if the customer makes any repeat purchases from them down the road, since the sale originated from the affiliate referral in the first place.

Other health affiliate programs want to make the sale on their own, so these types of companies are simply looking for affiliates to generate leads for them. These affiliate programs pay a flat rate fee for each lead sent to their site that completes a subscription form, which typically asks for the visitor’s name and email address. The health company then uses its own marketing efforts to convert these leads into customers.