How do I Choose the Best Sleep Disorder Clinic?

A sleep disorder clinic is a specialist facility dealing in a wide range of conditions which relate to sleep, particularly those which affect breathing. Some of the factors for choosing the best sleep disorder clinic are the same as with any medical facility. However, there are also some specific issues to look out for.
If the patient is a child, you should strongly consider choosing a clinic which specializes in child patients. Such a clinic would have experienced staff who can deal with the way many children may be frightened or unsettled by the treatment. You may also want to look for a clinic which has adequate facilities for parents who prefer to be on hand during the night in case their child becomes disturbed.

Make sure you choose a sleep disorder clinic which specializes in your specific complaint. There are many sleep disorders, ranging from simply being unable to sleep, through breathing difficulties, to sleep paralysis or even sleepwalking. Successful treatment of such conditions requires specialist expertise.

Look for a clinic which is convenient to get to. Clinics are available all over the country, though you may have to go farther to get the best treatment for your situation. If this is the case, look into the logistics of whether you will be able to continue working during the day or if you will need to take a leave of absence.

Prices for sleep disorder treatment can vary greatly. Factors affecting this can include the type of treatment, the expertise of staff, how long treatment is needed for, and what support services are included. Check how the treatment will be covered by any health insurance you have as this may limit your choice.

Use as many different sources as possible to research the quality of care on offer. These sources can include independent comparison sites, feedback from other patients through sleep disorder support groups, formal complaints made against clinics, and the professional qualifications of staff. While extreme responses may stand out, look for overall trends of opinion, whether good or bad.

Think carefully before deciding on an entirely independent sleep disorder clinic. It is possible such a clinic may be of high quality. However, clinics will often benefit immensely from being affiliated to a hospital or research center which can offer them support both in terms of sleep disorders and general medical care.
Choose particularly carefully if you will be undergoing positive airway pressure treatment. This involves wearing a facemask or similar device which delivers compressed air to the nose. While often effective, such treatment can be unsettling or disturbing to some first-time users. Make sure the sleep disorder clinic you are considering has procedures in place to help you deal with such issues.