What Is Crome Syndrome?

Crome syndrome is a condition that typically appears shortly after birth and is relatively rare. Documented cases of the disease show that it is normally fatal within the first eight months of life. The most common Crome syndrome symptoms are congenital eye problems, such as cataracts, and kidney problems, such as necrosis of the renal tubes, a complication that can often lead to kidney failure. This condition often does not have any noticeable symptoms until it progresses to later stages with further complications. Doctors believe this condition is caused by an autosomal recessive gene mutation.

One of the first possible signs of this rare condition is the development of cataracts that are not tied to age or other medical issues. Young patients who have cataracts early in life are typically screened to ensure this problem does not have an underlying cause other than Crome syndrome. These types of congenital cataracts gradually worsen to the point of vision deterioration. Infants diagnosed with this eye condition are frequently not considered good candidates for extensive cataract surgery.

Epileptic seizures and mental retardation are additional signs of Crome syndrome that has progressed into more advanced stages. Depending on their severity, epileptic seizures can sometimes be managed with medication. Doctors often attribute the symptom of mental retardation to disruptions in the regular formation of synaptic connections in the brain during this early critical period of development. Infants diagnosed with late-stage Crome syndrome often remain shorter than average in stature as well.

A common kidney problem tied to this condition is tubular necrosis, a complication characterized by tissue decay and cell death in the kidney tubes that facilitate normal function. The presence of dark clots in the urine is usually one of the first signs of this complication. This process of necrosis can frequently cause the inner membranes of the kidney walls to collapse, leading to renal failure that normally needs extensive medical intervention.

Crome syndrome treatment usually focuses on symptom management because there is no established and effective cure. Controlling seizures, preventing the formation of more cataracts, and managing failing kidneys are among the common medical procedures for treating these complications. Some physicians report success in preventing additional cataracts through lifestyle measures, such as eye protection from the sun. Some patients with Crome syndrome also see improvements from regular kidney dialysis.