How do I Choose the Best Neuro-Ophthalmologist?

When choosing a neuro-ophthalmologist there are several factors the potential patient should consider, such as the doctor’s education and experience, awards or accomplishments he or she has received, as well as the ophthalmologist’s bed-side manner and interaction with the patient. These professionals are trained and educated in the treatment of diseases and illnesses associated with the eyes and nervous system. Patients who experience symptoms such as vision loss or changes, unusual eye movements, and head pain often require the services of a neuro-ophthalmologist to treat neurological conditions that affect both the eyes and the brain, such as endocrine system issues and cases associated with certain types of cancer. Due to the serious nature of these illnesses, it is important to choose an experienced physician for treatment.

One of the first factors to consider when choosing a neuro-ophthalmologist is his or her education and experience in their field. These medical professionals must complete a Bachelor’s degree in premedical studies, as well as successfully complete medical school to be licensed practitioners. In order to receive neurologist status, these doctors must also complete specialized training and education in their chosen field of study in addition to passing the appropriate exams and practicals. Many patients also review the doctor’s experience with treatments and surgery, as well as how much time he or she has been practicing in the field. Most medical offices are more than happy to provide potential patients with this type of relevant information.

Like most other professional industries, there are awards and recognition given to extraordinary physicians in the medical fields. Many of the most respected neuro-ophthalmologists also write papers and articles pertaining to their work for medical journals and other field related publications. When choosing the best neuro-ophthalmologist, many people consider this type of credential as well as education and experience. Physicians that have received special awards and acknowledgement are often considered to be excellent choices.

It is not unusual for patients to schedule a consultation with a new neuro-ophthalmologist in order to learn more about his or her practice and to evaluate the doctor’s bed-side manner. Most medical experts agree that it is very important for patients to feel well cared for and supported by the medical teams. Studies indicate that a good relationship between doctor and patient helps promote healing. During the interview, patients are recommended to ask questions pertaining to how the doctor would treat their condition initially, how the situation would be handled if the initial treatment was unsuccessful, and bring up any other concerns he or she may have.