What is an AST Test?

An AST test is a medical test used to find an enzyme known as aspartate aminotransferase (AST) in red blood cells. Generally, most individuals have small amounts of AST in the body; however, it is produced in high quantities in organs such as the liver and heart when there is damage or disease present. Also used to detect blood enzymes called serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, the AST test may alternatively be known as a SGOT test. Although it can indicate damage to more than one organ in the human body, it is primarily used in individuals suspected to have liver disease.

There are certain factors that may lead a doctor to order an AST test for a patient. Individuals with recent exposure to a person with hepatitis, an inflammation of the liver, may fit within this criteria. An alcoholic may receive an AST test if he or she is suspected to have liver damage, such as cirrhosis. Additionally, liver disease may be genetic and run in families. General symptoms of a liver disorder can include dark urine, abdominal swelling and pain, nausea, vomiting, and yellowing of the skin and eyes, which is a condition known as jaundice.

The doctor will generally inform the patient if any particular type of preparation will be needed prior to having the test. Exercise should be excluded on the day of the test, as it may raise AST levels. Medications that may alter the results may need to be avoided or taken at a later time. This may include herbal medications. It will also be necessary to inform the doctor if the patient has any condition that may interfere with the blood work; pregnancy, for example, may cause lower AST levels.

As an AST test is performed with a simple blood test, it has few complications. Some people may experience mild bruising where the needle was inserted. In some cases, a small clot or hematoma may appear at the needle’s injection site. In rare instances, more severe complications may arise, such as fainting, an infection, or severe bleeding.

The doctor will be able to provide the patient with the results of the AST test usually within a few days. Normal results will mean there is no significant damage to the organs. Abnormal results may signify the presence of a disease and will need further investigation to ensure proper treatment. Patients should consult with the doctor ordering the test to address questions and concerns in advance.