What are Poisons Commonly Found in the Home?

In most homes, there are numerous cleaning products that are extremely poisonous and can kill if taken into the body’s system. Window cleaner, bleach, bug spray and detergents all contain harmful chemicals. Those in these detergents are lethal, especially to children. More children under the age of four have been killed by poisoning in the home than by any other cause.

Many toxic poisons can be found in the home, and they do not have to be swallowed to be harmful. Chemicals from many household cleaners can be absorbed by the skin. You can also breathe in the fumes given out by household cleaners. If the lids are left off, some chemicals can release unseen gasses that can be inhaled.

Many of these chemicals are noticed immediately if they are absorbed into the body. Many others work gradually. If you have a cold or illness, then the body’s immune system will not work as effectively. Your tolerance to household toxins will be weaker than if you were at full health.

One of the biggest poisons present in the home is cigarette smoke. Cigarette smoke releases around 4,000 different chemicals into the air. Inhaling second-hand smoke is even more harmful than smoking oneself. If more than one person smokes in the house, then the amount of chemicals in the air can be doubled or tripled.

The three main types of toxins found in household products are ammonia, chlorine and phenol. Ammonia can cause rashes and burning to the skin, and the fumes can cause damage to the lungs. Chlorine irritates the skin and is dangerous when inhaled. Phenol has been linked to cancer and is extremely poisonous. A small amount swallowed can cause convulsions, coma or even death.

Most detergents, household cleaners and disinfectants contain one or a combination of the three poisons mentioned above. Other household products that contain these substances are perfumes, aftershaves, soaps and toothpaste. Feminine products such as douches also contain these poisons, as do hairsprays and hair styling products. Products that you use to care for your cat, such as flea sprays and shampoos, also contain harmful materials.
There are companies that sell toxin-free products. By simply switching to these, you can make your home and the environment safer. Doing so will also help prevent any unpleasant accidents in the home in the future.