What is Acid Reflux Sore Throat?

Acid reflux sore throat is a condition that results from extreme cases of acid reflux. Acid reflux is a condition that occurs when acid from the stomach comes back up the esophagus and causes pain. If the acid comes too far, it can get up into the throat and cause damage and pain. In order to help a sore throat from acid reflux, an individual should drink water, gargle, try eating cold foods, and utilize acid reflux medications.

Acid reflux is a common condition that affects many people every year. Since it is so common, more and more people are also dealing with acid reflux sore throat as well. When the muscle that is designed to keep acid in the stomach does not work properly, acid can go back up into the esophagus. Since there is nothing keeping the acid from traveling further, it can continue on up into the throat. This is what causes acid reflux sore throat, and it can be extremely painful.

In many cases, individuals notice that this condition gets worse after they wake up. Generally, laying down makes acid reflux worse than normal. When laying down, the acid from the stomach can more easily get into the esophagus and into the throat as well. Sometimes, people will experience this type of sore throat without experiencing heartburn as well.

Dealing with this problem can seem very difficult. Many people try a number of different remedies without success. Some people mistake this type of sore throat for another condition, such as a cold. If an individual is experiencing acid reflux sore throat, he or she should try to drink as much water as possible. The water can help dilute the acid and make it less painful.

Another trick that individuals should try is gargling. Trying to gargle with warm salt water can significantly help this type of sore throat. Many times, eating cold foods such as ice cream can also help soothe the throat. Eating ice chips is another idea that provided relief for many people.

If an individual suffers from acid reflux, he or she should seek the counsel of a medical professional. Doctors can prescribe medicine that can be taken in order to limit symptoms of acid reflux. There are also some over-the-counter remedies that can be used to help deal with the pain that comes with acid reflux. These solutions can be very effective and help with acid reflux sore throat as well.