What are Some Causes of an Upset Stomach?

The term, upset stomach, requires some definition. For some, this means an uncomfortably full feeling, and perhaps a small amount of queasiness. Others use the term to describe painful tummies with diarrhea, vomiting or flatulence. Another definition is acid indigestion, which can cause heartburn. Due to the vast number of ways that upset stomach may be perceived and described, it’s difficult to identify all causes. Thus, there many things that can result in nausea, which people may wish to consider.

Mildly upset tummies are most often caused by eating too much and usually too quickly. Most people will find relief for this condition a few hours after it occurs. Using an antacid might help aid indigestion associated with this. However, as soon as the stomach has time to process and digest, pain or discomfort tends to go away.

When nausea is accompanied with diarrhea or vomiting, common causes include mild to severe cases of food poisoning and viruses. If vomiting or diarrhea doesn’t subside in a day or so, and if it’s accompanied by fever, people should see a doctor. Food poisoning cases can require antibiotics, and dehydration is a concern when diarrhea or vomiting won’t stop. Some people suffer from chronic diarrhea and may need to investigate if they have conditions like parasitic infections, spastic colon, or irritable bowel syndrome.

There are medications that may cause chronic stomach pain or upset. The list of these is extensive. If taking new medications look to side effect lists to see if an upset stomach is a possible cause. When this becomes difficult to handle, people may want to see if they can switch to another medication with fewer side effects.

If a sick stomach is described as severe stomach pain, and perhaps nausea, this can suggest more serious conditions. Some people in the midst of a heart attack will feel intense abdominal pain. What feels like very bad heartburn can also be a heart attack. Other conditions that might create stomach pain include mononucleosis, appendicitis and pancreatitis. If a person vomits blood or passes stools that are bloody or black, this is a matter that deserves a doctor’s care, especially if extreme stomach pain is present.

Chronic (ongoing) upset stomach may be the result of numerous conditions. Sometimes people with extreme food allergies, such as wheat, may suffer from stomach pains every time they consume wheat. Crohn’s disease may cause chronic pain, as can pelvic inflammatory disease and certain forms of cancer. Gastro-intestinal reflux disease may create a fairly constant heartburn state, and people who have ulcers may also feel that the stomach is always in pain.

If stomach pain doesn’t subside, check with a doctor. There are many ways to determine the causes of upset stomach and many treatments that can help people find relief. As mentioned though, usually sore stomach especially after consumption of a large meal is merely the result of overeating.