What is a Cerebral Lesion?

A cerebral lesion refers to any type of abnormal tissue found on the brain, particularly the area of the brain known as the cerebrum. The cerebrum constitutes the largest portion of the brain and is responsible for allowing voluntary movements within the human body. The ability to make plans, for example, is made possible by this area of the brain, and intelligence levels and personality are determined here as well. Abnormal tissue, or lesions, in this area of the brain, can have profound impacts on these functions.

Lesions occur when there has been damage to the affected tissue. This damage can occur due to some sort of injury, but the development of lesions can also take place during natural disease progression, as in the case of conditions such as multiple sclerosis. Immune system disorders and exposure to certain chemicals have also been reported to cause lesions in the body.

Neck pain and headaches are common when a cerebral lesion is present. Some other possible symptoms include the development of seizures, memory loss, or personality changes. Nausea and fever have also been reported in some cases. Since some of the symptoms of a cerebral lesion can mimic other conditions, any of these concerns should be reported to a medical professional right away.

An abscess is one type of cerebral lesion. This type of lesion tends to develop after some sort of infection. Sinus or dental infections are particularly prone to causing this type of lesion. Without immediate medical attention, an abscess can rapidly become life-threatening.

In diseases causing dementia, such as Alzheimer’s, a lesion can be devastating to both the patient and family. With this type of organic disorder, nerve cells in the brain actually die. When this occurs, significant areas of the brain are left with severely damaged tissue. This can lead to a host of mood and personality changes, leaving the patient as well as loved ones feeling helpless and confused.

An AVM, also known as an arteriovenous malformation, is yet another type of cerebral lesion. This type of abnormality presents in the early developmental stages of life. When the veins and arteries in the brain are beginning to form, they become tangled and connected to one another. This causes the vessels to become very weak and prone to rupture. Blood supply to the brain may not be sufficient when an AVM is present due to the weakness of the blood vessels, leading to improper brain function.