What Is Industrial Noise?

Industrial noise is noise associated with industrial processes that may cause hearing damage as a result of the high decibel level, particularly among employees who experience consistent prolonged exposures, like people on the factory floor. Measures for controlling industrial noise are necessary to protect workers. Louder noise can also become a nuisance and may be considered noise pollution, in which case a community may require a company to take action to address it.

Equipment used in a factory can be extremely loud. Everything from grinders to metal-punching devices can be seen in industrial settings, along with things like printing presses, paper trimmers, and so forth. All of this equipment can produce noise at decibel levels high enough to create environmental health and safety concerns. Usually the factory insulates the noise enough to make it inaudible or quiet to people outside, but this does not address worker safety.

Sound baffles are one method for combating industrial noise. In a factory with high ceilings and lots of exposed metal and wood, noise can bounce and amplify. Baffles made from soft materials will absorb sound and make the working environment quieter. Employees can also wear hearing protection like earplugs and noise canceling headsets, depending on the kind of work they do. Headsets are useful for employees who need to be able to communicate, as they can speak into microphones to contact other workers and receive replies through their headsets.

Industrial noise is not just a problem because of concerns about hearing loss, although this is an important issue. It can also become a safety situation. Loud noise, especially sustained repetitive noise, can be disruptive for concentration, and employees may not be able to focus on tasks. They can also miss safety issues like equipment that is not functioning properly or the presence of another person on the floor. Loud noise may mask warning shouts, abnormal engine sounds, or audible alarms.

Part of the practice of industrial hygiene, an area of occupational health and safety focused on protecting workers in industrial environments, includes industrial noise mitigation. Inspectors can use meters to measure noise levels and determine what kinds of protection may be necessary in a workplace. Simple, inexpensive steps can make the workplace much safer and more comfortable. Workers with concerns about noise levels can discuss them with a supervisor to determine if the workplace should be taking extra noise mitigation measures to protect their safety.