What are the Most Common Causes of Dry Mouth and Sore Throat?

Dry mouth, technically called xerostomia, can be caused by a number of different things. Dry mouth and sore throat symptoms are often related, since a dry mouth frequently causes a sore throat. Some of the main causes of dry mouth include dehydration, medication, nerve damage, infection, and a person’s everyday lifestyle.
Dehydration can be a direct effect of too much sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, burns, and blood loss. When too much liquid escapes from the body, the result is dehydration, which will, in turn, cause dry mouth symptoms. The only way to battle dehydration is to attempt to rehydrate the body. Severe dehydration can only be cured through intravenous liquid.

Some people may experience a dry mouth and sore throat as a result of everyday activity. People who smoke and drink excessively may experience dry mouth, as can people who breathe through their mouths regularly. These habits can be reversed by quitting smoking, decreasing one’s intake of alcoholic beverages, and learning to breathe through the nose instead of the mouth.

Nerve damage can also cause a mouth and throat problems. When the neck or head has been affected by an accident or through surgery, a person may experience dry mouth regularly. Any person who believes that he or she has suffered nerve damage should seek medical attention immediately.

Various infections and diseases can cause a dry mouth and a sore throat as well. Diabetes, HIV, Alzheimer’s disease, anemia, stroke, arthritis, and many other diseases may result in a dry mouth. When these diseases are properly controlled, this symptom often goes away. Those who have any of the aforementioned diseases should consult a medical professional if a dry mouth persists.

Sometimes, dryness of the mouth may be caused by medication. Allergy, depression, anxiety, acne, and asthma medications, amongst others, can all cause a dry mouth and sore throat. In most instances, a dry mouth is a normal reaction to a variety of medications. If the dryness is not associated with a medication, it is important to seek medical attention.

The best way to combat a mouth that is dry is to drink water. While consuming a lot of water may not get rid of dry mouth caused by medication or disease, hydrating oneself is the best way to eliminate temporary dryness. Soda, alcohol, and other liquids may not hydrate the body as well as water, and these drinks should be avoided if a person is feeling dehydrated.