What are the Different Types of Cucumber Trellis?

Cucumbers take naturally to growing on a trellis. The climbing vine produces heavy fruits that, when growing too close to the ground, tend to rot where they are touching the soil. A trellis creates a structure for the plants to grow so when the fruits begin to develop, they are suspended off the ground. Growing cucumbers on a cucumber trellis brings the harvest up to eye level, making it easier to spot and deal with pests earlier, and the fruits are easy to see for frequent seasonal harvesting.

The “A” frame trellis is made from two pieces of trellis that are spaced wide at the bottom and come together at the top to form a trellis in the shape of the uppercase letter “A.” When designing or purchasing an “A” frame cucumber trellis, one that is at least 6 feet (about 182 cm) tall with the base approximately 4 feet (121 cm) wide is best. The cucumbers are planted on the outside of the trellis close to the base. As the plants develop on each side of the trellis, they grow toward the top where they meet, creating a fruit laden, green structure.

A variation on the “A” frame, another type of cucumber trellis uses a single piece of square or rectangular trellis that is anchored into the ground at one end and set at a 45 degree angle. The top is supported by a pole that goes straight into the ground. As a cucumber trellis, this design is ideal for creating a platform for the fruits to grow on without taking up a lot of room.

A tipi or pyramid trellis is a simple and inexpensive solution that can be constructed at home. It consists of three to five 6-foot (about 180-cm) tall bamboo poles that are driven into the ground in a circle. The tops are tied together creating a tipi shape. One cucumber plant is grown at the base of each pole giving it a structure to climb and attach to as the plants mature.

Using similar materials, a trellis can be made by running a wire between two 6-foot (about 180-cm) tall posts driven into the ground at either end of a garden bed. The bamboo poles are set 1 to 2 feet (about 30 to 60 cm) apart and 3 to 4 feet (about 90 to 120 cm) from the base of the wire on either side. The tops of the poles are leaned against and attached to the wire, creating a series of A shapes along the length of the garden bed.

Vertical trellises also make good cucumber trellis solutions in the garden. Vertical trellises are made from lattice material or metal formed into a grid shape. The trellis can be attached to the side of a building or wall or placed as a free-standing structure in the garden. Vertical cucumber trellis structures should be at least 6 to 8 feet (about 182 to 243 cm) tall.