What Should I Consider When Buying a Dishwasher?

Though millions of households have functioned without an automatic dishwasher throughout history, the dishwasher has become a standard household appliance. Whether you are purchasing a dishwasher for the first time or are simply replacing a broken down one, there are a few things you should consider before you buy.
If you do not already have a dishwasher in your kitchen, you will have to give special consideration to a future location. You will need to have space near your sink in order to connect your new dishwasher to your existing plumbing. You also must have a source of electricity to power the dishwasher nearby. Unless you are specially trained, you should hire professional installation of new electrical wiring.

If a previous dishwasher existed in your household, be sure to measure the size of the opening to ensure the replacement will fit. Installing a new dishwasher where plumbing and electrical fixtures previously existed is easier than a brand new installation, but if you are inexperienced, you may want to arrange for professional installation from the retailer.

Beyond determining location and arranging for the necessary installation, choosing a make and model will be your only remaining decision. Make sure to consider the color of the dishwasher front. Standard colors include bisque, black, stainless steel finish and white, and you will most likely choose to match your dishwasher to other appliances. Some dishwasher fronts have reversible panels to accommodate for a future change in appliance colors.

Other considerations to give to your purchase include the operating energy efficiency and features. Some dishwashers have more elaborate features, such as sensors that determine the size and contents of each load, and others have just the very basic features. You might want a dishwasher that allows you to load the dishwasher, but run it later while you sleep or are at work. While you should invest in the highest energy efficiency rating, the features are simply a matter of personal preference.

If you have a very small kitchen that will not accommodate a dishwasher or live in rental property, you might consider purchasing a portable dishwasher. These dishwashers are smaller than standard under-the-counter models and are meant to be portable. They plug into standard electrical outlets, hook up directly to the sink faucet and have a drain tube that is placed into the sink when in use. Portable dishwashers are slightly less expensive than their standard counterparts, but they work in much the same way. A portable dishwasher has a few disadvantages, such as being cumbersome to use and requiring storage when not in use, but it can be convenient for washing large loads.

A dishwasher can be a very convenient addition to any kitchen and is a frequently sought appliance for new homebuyers, meaning the addition of a dishwasher can add a slight value to a home. Most kitchens are able to accommodate a dishwasher of one size or another, and any respectable home appliance retailer can help you with your selection and any questions prior to your purchase.