What are the Best Tips for Laying Gravel Paving?

Gravel is versatile, extremely easy to install, and is a permeable paving which is friendly to plants. It is also easy on the eye when used creatively which is why gravel paving is becoming so popular. In order to lay gravel paving, measure the width of the stones before digging up the topsoil of the area where the paving is to be laid. A border should then be laid around the lawn with sand added before the stones are set. Once every stone is arranged and tested to make sure everything is level, the gravel should be swept between the stones.

Laying paving stones in gravel adds to the decor of a home’s exterior. It is particularly useful in areas that are affected by wind and rain. The gravel can be placed between the stones which can be arranged in a random or predetermined order.
The first step is to measure the width of the stones in the gravel paving project. It is then necessary to take up all the topsoil and turf in the area where the stones are to be laid. If the stone is 2 inches thick, at least 3-1/2 inches of topsoil should be removed.

To stop the gravel paving from trickling into the lawn, build a border around the grass. This can be created from a host of materials. These include brick, plastic edging, or wood that has been weather treated.
After this has been completed, a small layer of sand about 1 inch thick should be laid. This is spread around using a garden rake. Take a plank of wood and use it to level the sand. The best way to do this is by dragging the edge of the wood over the sand.

The gravel paving stones should then be arranged in whatever order has been decided. The smallest stones should be keep in the middle and the larger stones placed on the edge. Each stone should be tapped with a mallet that has a block of wood as a buffer. This ensures that each stone is perfectly set and is not loose.

Make sure that every stone is level using the requisite tools. Take the gravel and throw it on the ground in a series of small piles. Use a wire brush to sweep the gravel between the set stones. Take some sand similar in color to the gravel and sweep it over the surface. Finally, ensure that the whole area is comprehensively watered.