What are the Benefits of Liquid Fertilizer?

When it comes to choosing a fertilizer, there are a number of benefits of liquid over a granular alternative. For large areas, liquid can be easier to prepare and easier to apply. It can also be easier to ensure an even application, and liquid fertilizer can be much more efficiently absorbed into the soil.
There are a variety of methods available for the application of a liquid fertilizer, and these methods can be selected based on the area to be covered. Sprayers, booms, and misting heads can be an efficient way to apply the liquid to a large area, while backpacks or hose sprayers can be sufficient for smaller gardens. These types of applicators make it possible to apply fertilizer in a way similar to the method of getting water to crops. As there are so many different options for liquid fertilizer, this can not only save time but also trim labor costs for those employing individuals to work on a farm or orchard.

Different crops require different nutrients, and with a liquid fertilizer these nutrients can be easily combined into a final product that requires one application. This is nearly impossible with many kinds of granular types of fertilizer, as the difference in the size of the granules makes efficient application of more than one fertilizer at a time difficult. Not only is the delivery of liquid fertilizer faster, but there is no delay of absorption into the plants. The liquid is absorbed in much the same way as water, providing almost instant benefits.

Many types of granular fertilizers must be dissolved in water before application, a step that does not apply to liquid fertilizer. Diluting liquid is much easier than dissolving granules, and liquids are a final product that can be much more evenly distributed over an area. When spreading granules, it is easy to get concentrations of fertilizer in certain areas that might lead to scorching or burning. Liquids have the benefit of being easier to regulate and mix.

Liquid fertilizer also has the benefit of being easy to store. Many types come in a concentrated form that are applied through a hose sprayer, which means that instead of storing bags of granular fertilizer, it may be condensed into a few bottles of concentrate. This also means that it is easier to lift, to move, and to transport. Containers of liquid fertilizer can be stored through the seasons without fear of the material getting wet or infested with mildew. This can also save some trips to the store for those individuals who need to apply fertilizer more than once in a season.