What is Travertine Tile?

Travertine tile is a type of stone tile, made from a sedimentary rock known as travertine. There are numerous sources for travertine all over the world. Tivoli, Italy is perhaps the most source for travertine, and the rock is in fact named after the Latin name for this Italian city. Travertine is also mined in Mexico, parts of the American Southwest, and Eastern Europe. Home improvement stores often carry or can order travertine tile, and it can also be ordered directly from manufacturers.

Travertine is sometimes sold as “travertine marble” or “travertine limestone.” Although travertine is related to these stones, it is not technically a marble or a limestone. It forms around hot springs and through deposition in wet caves, with carbon-dioxide saturated water breaking down calcium carbonate and redepositing it. Travertine usually contains a mixture of minerals from the environment where it formed, along with the calcium carbonate, and it has a very coarse texture with lots of holes created by air bubbles and living organisms which were trapped in the rock. The stone can be white, yellow, beige, creamy, or red in color, depending on the minerals which have penetrated it.

People can purchase travertine tile in a number of finishes. Filled tiles have been filed down and filled so that the holes in the rock are smoothed over, creating an even surface, while unfilled tiles have holes which are left open. The rock can have a glossy, shiny, or matte surface, depending on how it was processed; honed travertine tile tends to have a matte look, while brushed or tumbled tile has a rougher, more natural appearance.

Travertine tile is also available in a cross-cut style known as saturnia. Saturnia is cut against the grain, rather than with the grain as travertine tile is traditionally processed, creating a very distinctive appearance. Regardless as to where the stone comes from, the quality tends to be very consistent, with the key quality issue being how it was processed.

Travertine tile is very vulnerable to acids, which can make it unsuitable for certain installations. Kitchens are a poor choice, as orange juice and other acidic foods may be spilled on the tile, potentially damaging it. The stone should be well sealed to protect it from moisture, spilled items, and wear and tear, and it can be a good idea to periodically strip and reseal the tile to keep it in good condition.