What are the Parts of the Brain?

The various parts of the brain work together to conduct everyday thought processes and necessary functions such as breathing. Essentially, the brain is made up of the forebrain, the midbrain and the hindbrain. Each part consists of different structures that allow them to conduct different tasks and handle varying responsibilities.

Made up of the cerebrum and the structures within the brain referred to as the inner brain, the forebrain is the largest part of the brain. Connected by bundles of nerves, the cerebrum is made up of two hemispheres, referred to as the right hemisphere and left hemisphere. Activities controlled by the left hemisphere include movements by the right side of the body and the ability to form thoughts. The right side of the brain controls movements on the left side of the body and allows you to think abstractly.

Within each hemisphere of the cerebrum are lobes with specialized functions. Frontal lobes handle planning and scheduling tasks. Parietal lobes allow you to experience taste, touch and temperature. Responsible for processing images and storing them in memory are the occipital lobes. Finally, your temporal lobes allow you to process music and form memories related to musical activities.

Housed in the inner brain, the hypothalamus, thalamus, hippocampus and basal ganglia represent another segment of the forebrain. These organs and nerve cells work together to transfer signals between the brain and the spinal cord. The inner brain is responsible for emotions, perceptions and movements.

Resting at the top of the brainstem is the second part of the brain. The midbrain works to control reflexes and voluntary movements. For example, controlling eye movement is an activity activated by the midbrain.

Sitting at the base of the neck, the hindbrain includes the brain stem, the upper portion of the spinal cord and the cerebellum. Vital to existence, the hindbrain is responsible for breathing and heart rate. The cerebellum specifically controls and helps coordinate movements related to things such as throwing a baseball or playing a musical instrument.

Another one of the essential parts of the brain is the cerebral cortex. It’s a thin tissue encasing the various components of the brain. The cerebral cortex holds the responsibility for a large portion of informational processing that occurs in the brain. Within the brain and nervous system, brain cells send messages between areas of the brain and help coordinate activity.