How Do I Care for a Baby Bearded Dragon?

Proper baby bearded dragon care begins when the animal is still in its egg, and the typical baby bearded dragon can take up to three days to emerge once it begins to hatch. The newly-hatched lizard may remain attached to its egg sac, although some lizards have lost this feature by the time they emerge from their eggs. It is important to protect this sac until it is reabsorbed into the baby bearded dragon’s body, generally by ensuring that the newly-hatched lizard is kept on a moist, soft substrate material like wet tissue paper. The newly-hatched lizards should generally be kept in small groups of no more than five, with any aggressive or injured lizards removed and housed separately. Proper feeding and regular misting can help the baby lizards grow appropriately and enjoy good health.

The average baby bearded dragon may refuse food for the first days of its life, although some will begin to eat immediately. It is not considered a cause for concern if the newly-hatched reptile refuses food. They will typically consume between 30 and 100 small crickets each day once they find their appetites. They should usually be given these insects over the course of three to six daily feedings. A supply of vegetables, typically collard or other greens, should be kept in the lizards’ cage at all times, and vitamin and mineral supplements should usually be added to the baby bearded dragon’s diet five to seven days a week.

It is important to make sure the newly-hatched reptiles are not overcrowded in their accommodation. No more than five young lizards should be kept in one cage. Most breeders believe a cage that is 30 inches by 12 inches by 12 inches (76 x 30.5 x 30.5 centimeters) is an appropriate size for three to five baby bearded dragons. The lizards should usually have access to 12 daily hours of UVA/UVB light, and a moist, soft substrate of damp tissue paper can be provided. They will usually benefit from branches and other climbing facilities in the cage.

These young lizards have been known to become aggressive and can injure one another, especially on the feet and tail. Giving them plenty of space and feeding them well is said to reduce the chances of aggressive behavior and fighting. The young lizards should, however, be watched closely and any aggressive or victimized lizards are best housed alone.