What are the Best Tips for Good Cat Health?

Paying attention to good tips for cat health may translate into years of joy from a treasured pet. Some of the best tips for cat health include those related to seeking quality, regular veterinary care and making sure the cat is vaccinated against common threats. Keeping poisonous substances and plants out of the cat’s environment may also help to prevent tragedies. Additionally, spaying or neutering may prevent wandering and make the cat more content.

One of the best tips for cat health is to find a good veterinarian. Cats need annual checkups to prevent health problems and allow for the quick treatment of any health issues that do develop. To keep a cat healthy, a pet owner may do well to make sure he is carefully examined each year, including all parts of his body from his head to his tail. A veterinarian should also listen to a cat’s heart and lungs, examine his mucus membranes, check his teeth and ears, and check for the presence of parasites and abnormal growths. In most cases, a veterinarian will also use his hands to feel the cat’s internal organs.

Like people, cats can catch a range of illnesses and diseases. While some may be minor, others have the potential to make a pet seriously ill. In fact, some diseases could even prove fatal for a cat. Opting to have a pet vaccinated against diseases that commonly affect cats may help minimize this risk. Unfortunately, however, vaccinations cannot protect a cat from every disease to which he may be vulnerable.

Another important tip for cat health is to keep the pet’s home, and the area surrounding it, free of poisons. For example, there is a range of ordinary houseplants that are dangerous for cats, and some outdoor plants may be poisonous as well. Some household chemicals, car care agents, and even some body care substances may prove dangerous for a feline pet. Additionally, some types of insecticides may prove harmful for cats.

Spaying or neutering may also prove important for cat health. When a cat is neutered or spayed, there is less chance he will wander far from home and possibly get hit by a car. If a cat stays closer to home, however, he may have less chance of catching diseases from other cats or getting into fights with other animals. Additionally, a cat may be more content overall after spaying or neutering.