What is a Fox Terrier?

A Fox Terrier is a small black and white, or brown and white, dog sometimes called a Foxy. These dogs were originally bred in 19th century England to uncover foxes when the foxes would disappear into their holes during hunts. There are actually three breeds of Fox Terriers: the Smooth Fox Terrier, the Wire Fox Terrier and the Toy Fox Terrier. All three types of Fox Terriers are known for their energetic and nervous natures.

The Smooth Fox Terrier was the first breed of Fox Terrier developed. They have tough, flat, smooth coats and folded ears. These dogs are said to be easier to train than the Wire Fox Terrier, but will still try to dominate if they haven’t been properly socialized as puppies. Smooth Fox Terriers may even try to dominate larger dogs, so early socialization is crucial so that they get used to different animals as well as people. Smooth Fox Terriers may be good with children, but should be supervised by an adult, as they may snap when excited.

The Wire Fox Terrier is very similar to the Smooth Fox Terrier, but needs much more grooming. A process known as “hand stripping” in which the dead parts of the coat are pulled out by hand needs to be done a few times each year. Wire Fox Terriers don’t shed naturally themselves. The Wire Fox Terrier should be introduced to grooming from about three months of age and professional grooming is an option.

Some experts say that Wire Tox Terriers can even be more aggressive by nature than Smooth Fox Terriers,and this may make them more difficult to train. Both Smooth and Wire Fox Terriers are energetic and need long walks and exercise such as running and playing with children and other dogs. These dogs are always ready for digging or for a good chase. They may bark quite a bit and are known to be loyal and protective.

The Toy Fox Terrier was developed from the Smooth Fox Terrier as well as dogs such as the Min Pin, or Miniature Pinscher, and the Chihuahua. Like smooth fox terriers, toy fox terriers need minimal grooming. The Toy Fox Terrier has a longer muzzle and shorter tail than the Smooth Fox Terrier. Toy Fox Terriers often like to do tricks and are known for being affectionate and playful. These little terriers are said to be good apartment dogs and better with older children and adults than younger children.