What is an Airedale?

An Airedale is a large type of terrier with black and tan markings and a distinctive long, bearded muzzle. The name, Airedale, is derived from “The Valley of the Aire” which is the part of Yorkshire where the breed was first developed in England in the mid 1900s to hunt otter. Airedales are considered high-maintenance, high-energy indoor dogs that like to be with their “person” at all times.

An Airedale is the kind of dog known for following you from room to room at home and jogging and hiking with you outside. Many Airedales even enjoy boating. Airedales are very active, athletic dogs suitable for those who aren’t sedentary and can spend most of their time with their canine companion. They enjoy digging and need to run daily. Airedales need long periods of exercise with their human companion and aren’t the type of dog that is happy to be in the back yard on their own.

Airedales are said to be capable of being very assertive in demanding attention and getting their needs met. The Airedale is known for having a dominant nature and needs proper socialization when young as well as consistent obedience training. They like to be a part of the family and do get along with children, but should always be supervised by an adult because of their large size and boundless energy.

The Airedale also needs a lot of attention when it comes to grooming. Professional clipping keeps this breed looking good, but Airedales should also be brushed daily. The coat should be trimmed so that it’s longer in the winter and shorter in the summer. Airedales need to have their coats hand-stripped of dead fur as well.

The Airedale breed is prone to dry skin and skin allergies. Dogs often present symptoms of an allergy through their skin, so the Airedale’s diet or medications may need to be changed if dry or itchy skin is an issue. Airedales need top-quality food and many eat a lamb and rice diet, but the food should be chosen as to what is best for each individual dog.