What are the Different Types of Electric Fences for Dogs?

A person may choose to use an electric dog fence for any number of reasons. A wireless electric system is a good choice for someone who wants quick, easy and invisible installation. If the yard has uneven boundaries, a buried-wire system makes a better choice, because it is more adaptable and can be adjusted to the layout of the yard. For a dog that is tough to keep home, a more conventional electric fence made of several strands of wire may work best.

A wireless fence system requires the installation of a base station in a safe, dry location. Most often this module is simply placed on a table or shelf indoors and plugged into a standard power outlet. The station sends out a signal that establishes a circular area, the size of which can be defined by the owner. When the dog leaves the area, it receives a mild shock through the special collar it wears as part of the system. These types of electric fences for dogs quickly teach the animals to stay inside their boundaries.

When the area in which the dog is to be confined is an irregular shape, the types of electric fences for dogs that work best involve a buried-wire system. This type of setup is more time-consuming to install, but the perimeter wire can be routed around bushes, driveways and any other areas where the dog is not to wander. Once installed, the controller for this type of system sends out a signal along the wire that continually checks for the radio collar the dog must wear. If the dog gets too close to the buried wire, it receives a warning shock. After a brief training period, the dog will respect the boundary.

Some dogs seem determined to escape from a yard, just because they can. For these dogs, more conventional electric fences for dogs, similar to the type used to contain livestock, work well to discourage wandering. Strands of wire are strung around the dog’s yard on insulated posts at a height appropriate for the dog, making sure it can’t sneak under or jump over the wires. A fence charger is attached and the dog will get a shock if it touches the electric fence. It usually only takes touching the wire once or twice to convince a dog not to go near the fence.

Each of these systems has its advantages, and choosing one is mostly a matter of deciding which one is right for a given situation. All of these electric fences for dogs work well, although a very determined dog can still run through the shock zone of some types of electric fences and escape. For people who travel with their pet, the wireless system is often the best choice, because it works well at home and is easily unplugged and taken along on vacation. If the dog is not a traveler, any of these electric fence systems will work.