What Should I Know About Newt Care?

Newts can be found relaxing among the rocks in creeks and rivers. They are docile creatures that fascinate nature enthusiasts. A person may also decide to keep a newt for a pet, although it is never recommended to remove an animal from his natural habitat. However, if someone owns a newt as a pet, there are several things he should know about newt care.

Newts will not eat in an environment where they aren’t comfortable. When setting up an aquarium for the newt, imitate its natural environment. There should be an area for the newt to swim in, as well as a sandy, rock-covered area to bask in the artificial sunlight.

Newts benefit from having plenty of hiding spaces such as hollowed-out logs and rocks. They are skittish creatures that prefer to stay in hiding when they sense danger. Proper newt care also involves regulating the temperature in the aquarium; usually done with an ultraviolet light. Keep the aquarium out of direct sunlight to avoid overheating the newt.

Pet newt care involves feeding it foods that it would find in its natural environment, about three times per week. The easiest food to feed your newt are worms. Keep the worm alive until feeding time, as newts prefer fresh food. House the worm in a bowl of moist dirt, in a cool area, such as the refrigerator. Worms will stay alive, even after being cut.

When it is time to feed the newt, stretch it out lengthwise on a cutting board. Cut off approximately a quarter inch (0.64 cm)of the worm to feed to the newt. Chop the piece of worm into tiny, bite size morsels for the newt to eat. Never cut off more than the newt will eat in one meal.

Dangle the piece of worm in front of the newt using a pair of tweezers. If the newt is hungry, it will eat. Newt care also involves feeding it a variety of foods such as brine shrimp and mosquito larvae. As soon as the newt has finished eating, remove the uneaten food from the aquarium.

Newt care also consists of changing the water in the aquarium twice a week. The water should be drained and replaced with water that has been sitting at room temperature for at least 24 hours. This will remove the bacteria in the water caused by feeding the newt live food.