What is a Bobcat?

Bobcats are relatives of the lynx found throughout North America. They are the smallest of the lynxes, with lanky legs, big paws, and distinctively shortened tails which make them instantly recognizable. These wild cats are extremely adaptable, found in a wide range of territories from deserts to deep woodlands. Like other wild cats, bobcats are vulnerable to hunting for their fur, and in some parts of North America, the cats are protected through hunting regulations to ensure that they will continue to thrive.

The appearance of a bobcat varies, depending on where the animal is found; desert bobcats, for example, tend to have more sandy brown fur, while woodland cats are darker with more spots. As a general rule, a bobcat has reddish brown fur marked with spots and sometimes striped legs, and the classically tufted ears which mark all lynxes. The short tail of a bobcat is tipped with white, and the animals are often quite muscular and stocky. In cold regions, bobcats grow a thick coat of fur to protect themselves from the elements.

There is some debate over the scientific classification of the bobcat. Many biologists have agreed upon Lynx rufus for the animals, while overs prefer Felis rufus, arguing that lynxes should not be placed in their own genus. Lynxes certainly have some distinct traits which seem to suggest that they can safely be classified in their own genus, and both usages are generally considered correct. Bobcats are among the most well known of the lynxes, because they tend to be less shy than their cousins, and the animals may be found very close to human settlements.

Like other lynxes, bobcats particularly favor hare and rabbit, but they will eat other small mammals as well. At times, the animals will also go after larger prey, usually because they are having difficulty finding small mammals. Bobcats are generally solitary, although they do briefly meet to mate in the early spring. The female bobcat bears a litter of two to six kittens after two months, and oversees the kittens until they are large enough to strike out on their own.

Native American mythology often features bobcats along with other wild cats such as the cougar. The predators were associated with strong hunters, and they were sometimes contrasted with Coyote, a major figure in Native American mythology. There has been some concern about heavy hunting of bobcats for their beautiful spotted fur, and in some regions the animals are also trapped as pests because they harass livestock. Biologists hope that the adaptability of the bobcat will ensure that the animals endure for the enjoyment of future generations.