What is Spray Shampoo?

Spray shampoo is a product that is used instead of shampoo to make the hair look cleaner and less oily. The product does not actually remove dirt from the hair but, instead includes a product such as talc that helps to absorb oil that has built up around the roots. Some people use it when they are traveling and are not able to shower for a day or more. Others use it to maintain hair that has been professionally styled for a few extra days. Spray shampoo is also sometimes used by people who are injured or ill and unable to bathe on a daily basis.

To apply spray shampoo, the nozzle of the bottle is directed at the roots of the hair. When the scalp and the roots of the hair have been coated to the user’s satisfaction, the product is left to sit for a few moments so that it can absorb the oil. Then the hair is brushed and styled again, at which point it should look cleaner and less limp. Brushing the hair helps to remove the product and the oil it has collected from the hair, but some people find that it is impossible to remove all of the product from their hair until they eventually wash it with water. Some companies that manufacture spray shampoo recommend that people who use the product use a brush with natural bristles.

Another term that is often used for spray shampoo is “dry shampoo.” This product might come in an aerosol can but also sometimes comes in a bottle with a slotted opening that resembles the top of a baby powder bottle. When the product is applied to the hair using this sort of bottle, it must be sprinkled into the roots. Some people find using spray shampoo more convenient because it is easier to angle the product directly at the roots.

Depending on the formula of the spray shampoo, the product may or may not be made with fragrance. Some people prefer to use spray shampoo that has fragrance as they believe that the scent helps them to feel fresh as though their hair had been washed with water. Others prefer to use unscented versions of the product because they prefer to use their own perfume or cologne as a fragrance. There are also spray shampoos that are formulated for domesticated animals such as cats and dogs.