How Do I Choose the Best Ayurvedic Health Resort?

Ayurvedic medicine, or simply Ayurveda, is a traditional form of natural medicine that finds its origins in India. In modern terms, Ayurvedic medicine is regarded as a form of alternative medicine, because of its focus of traditional and natural healing methods. Modern Ayurveda attempts to preserve and replicate traditional practices as closely as possible. A good Ayurvedic health resort will take its practices very seriously, and draw from traditional knowledge whenever possible.

The first texts that mentioned this form of medicine as known today date from the second millennium BCE. The word Ayurveda, as translated from Sanskrit, can be split into two parts, each giving meaning to the word as a whole. Roughly translated, ayur means life or longevity, and veda means science; together the word is taken to mean the science or study of life and longevity. How this meaning relates to medical practices can therefore clearly be seen.

Though Ayurvedic medicine has been present in India for thousands of years, the concept of an Ayurvedic health resort is relatively modern. The advent of the resort concept may be tied to the recent rise in popularity of alternative medicines, the increasing ease of international travel, and the globalization of information. Most resorts are located throughout India, though many exist in Sri Lanka as well. The purpose of an Ayurvedic health resort is to provide its visitors with an opportunity to experience the healing potential of this type of medicine.

Look for an Ayurvedic health resort that was established at least five or more years ago, but be wary of any resort claiming to be more than 25 years old; at the very least, it is highly unlikely that the resort has existed in its current format for that long. When heading into a new environment, trust is paramount. A good Ayurvedic health resort will feature experienced instructors who are happy and willing to explain their past education and experience. It is important to find experienced instructors because Ayurvedic medicine is a serious practice. Without proper instruction, the visitor to the resort will not properly experience the many benefits that can be attained with proper guidance.

To please their visitors, Ayurvedic health resorts emphasize the importance of having a beautiful and peaceful setting. Typically, they are situated on large parcels of land with lush natural surroundings. Many such Ayurvedic health resorts utilize idyllic coastal or forest locations. Look for a resort that is situated relatively far from major metropolitan areas, so that it may provide a spacious, natural setting free of noise and pollution. The best Ayurvedic health resorts will offer an array of activities, including educational courses, and regional trips to its guests.