What Is Macadamia Cream?

Macadamia cream is skin and hair care cream that is made using the oil of macadamia nuts as a featured component. The nut meat is used and is cold-pressed to obtain the oil, which is then refined. The oil is very stable and resistant to oxidation, resulting in a good shelf life and making it ideal for use in cosmetics. It has very little odor and taste, and it blends well, making it excellent for use as a base cream in skincare products.

The main use of macadamia cream is as a skin cream for dry and mature skins. Macadamia is one of several plants to contain palmitoleic acid, of which it has a high concentration. A monounsaturated omega-7 fatty acid, palmitoleic acid is found in the greatest concentrations in marine mammals.

Palmitoleic acid also is found in sebum, the oily substance that is secreted by the sebaceous glands of mammals, including humans. Composed of fat, keratin and dead cells, sebum lubricates the skin and hair and protects them from drying out. It also functions as an antimicrobial and antifungal agent, further protecting the skin. One area with the greatest concentration of human sebum is the face, although this seems to decrease as aging occurs.

The high concentration of palmitoleic acid in macadamia oil makes it similar to human sebum, so it absorbs well into the skin, making for a light, non-greasy application. It is used in anti-aging and antioxidant skin creams with the intention of rejuvenating, hydrating and protecting the skin. Macadamia cream also is recommended for people who have sensitive skin.

The oil of macadamia nuts also contains linoleic acid, another essential fatty acid that is considered integral to good health. Linoleic acid works as an anti-inflammatory agent and is helpful in treating and preventing acne. It also works to retain moisture, making it useful for treating dry and damaged skin, hair and nails.

Macadamia cream is made by blending the macadamia oil with an emulsifier, glycerine, lactic acid, vitamin E and sodium hydroxymethylglicinate — ingredients that are common to many face creams. Although other chemical agents also might be used, macadamia cream tends to be produced and marketed as a more natural, organic product. It is, however, usually combined with other plant oils or extracts to combine their nourishing properties and to add scent.

This cream also is available as an intensive conditioner to treat dry and damaged hair. It is non-greasy, so it is easily absorbed by the hair and scalp. As well as restoring silkiness and shine to hair, macadamia cream also is used to help eliminate dandruff.