What Is Fig Perfume?

Fig perfume is a type of scent that is derived from the extracts of the dried seeds of the fruit or the leaves of the plant. This type of fragrance has a woodsy scent to it, which is heightened by sweet undertones. One disadvantage to this type of perfume is that fig extract does not typically exude a long-lasting scent. The brand of fragrance chosen ultimately depends on how well a shopper likes the scent, rather than the price of the perfume.

Products with fig are usually made out of either dried up fruit seeds or from the leaves that surround them. Most types of fig perfume are made from dried leaves that are crushed and then taken through a distillation process. The resulting extract has a more woodsy scent than fragrances that are made out fig seeds. At the same time, some perfumes contain extracts from both parts of the fig plant.

Dried seeds are also used to make certain types of fig perfume, but they are most often found in the creation of other beauty essentials such as soaps, lotions, and shampoos. Fig seeds contain fatty acids in the form of oil, which adds lubrication to various types of beauty products sold over-the-counter. Dried seeds also contain humectants, which help such products to retain water and they also help to prevent the skin from drying out.

The downside to fig perfume is that the scent does not linger as long compared to other types of fragrances available on the market. Generally, the scent is at its strongest for up to three hours. After this time, users will need to reapply the fragrance. The exception to the lack of the fragrance’s longevity are other types of perfumes that contain a mixture of ingredients, some of which last for several hours. Users can also make the scent of fig last longer by spritzing on the ankles and the backs of the knees; this trick allows the fragrance to ascend over the course of several hours.

This type of perfume is sold in major department stores, as well as through online outlets. Prices vary depending on the type of store through which the fragrance is being sold. Spending more on fig fragrances does not necessarily equate to a higher quality product. The best thing to do is to try out several types of perfumes, preferably one at a time. Shoppers can wear the fig scent for a few hours to see how the fragrance works with their body chemistry before committing to a particular brand.