How Do I Choose the Best Baby Face Cream?

To choose the best baby face cream, consumers should look for a product which contains only natural ingredients. Synthetic products have the potential to cause an allergic reaction in the delicate skin of a baby, and should not come in contact with an infant’s face. Organic ingredients can include chamomile extract and sweet almond oil, which naturally soothe and protect a baby’s skin without irritating it.

Newborns and infants typically have extremely sensitive skin. As their bodies are continuously developing, they are gradually building up their tolerance to their external environment and improving their immune systems. During that time, it is essential that they be protected from potentially harmful foods and ingredients that could scar their tender skin and shock their still developing immune systems and allergic responses.

The best type of baby face cream is one that does not contain any synthetic ingredients. Manufactured dyes, fragrances, and chemicals should be avoided entirely. Instead, parents and health care providers can purchase a product that contains only natural, hypoallergenic ingredients that are unlikely to cause any adverse reactions in a baby’s skin.

The skin on the face of a baby is usually more sensitive than the skin on the rest of her body. For this reason, it is not always appropriate to use lotion that is labeled for use on the body on the face of a baby. Even body lotions formulated for use specifically on a baby’s body can be potentially aggravating to her soft facial skin. Newborns also tend to experience an outbreak of acne which can occur between their second and sixth weeks of life. The duration and severity of this acne varies by each child, and can increase the sensitive of his skin significantly until the inflammation has subsided.

Common ingredients in organic based baby face cream can include chamomile extract, beeswax, and sweet almond oil. Chamomile extract can calm and reduce inflamed areas, such as those which can appear as a side effect of baby acne. Beeswax helps the child’s skin maintain its natural moisture balance without becoming dried by his exposure to his new environment. Newborns leave a climate of extreme warmth and moisture at birth, and require some additional help for their skin to adapt to the dryness of the air and cold around them. Sweet almond oil adds some additional moisture to the skin, making it soft and supple, and helping to prevent cracking which can occur as a result of excessive dryness.

Consumers can quickly narrow their search for a baby face cream by looking at products manufactured by companies which deal exclusively with baby care. These items are typically labeled as made for babies with their delicate pH in mind. Adult facial cream, though it may be labeled for use with sensitive skin, can still contain some ingredients, such as natural perfumes, which can cause an allergic reaction in a newborn.