What Are the Benefits of Baking Soda Shampoo?

There are several benefits of using a baking soda shampoo instead of a traditional shampoo, and many will find that their hair becomes softer, cleaner, and more manageable after using baking soda. Unlike regular shampoo, baking soda is all-natural and gentle on the hair and scalp. It will not strip that hair of natural oils like harsh shampoos do, but will leave the hair clean and healthy. In addition, baking soda shampoos are inexpensive and more-effective than regular store-bought shampoos. Typical shampoos can also be very drying to the scalp, but baking soda will cleanse the area without drying the skin and causing irritation.

Commercial shampoos are often made with harsh chemicals that some may find to be unappealing or irritating. In addition, shampoos that contain sodium lauryl sulfate can dry the scalp and hair out and may leave the hair looking dull and lifeless. Baking soda, however, is completely natural and contains no additional chemicals. For those who have a sensitive scalp, the use of a gentle baking soda shampoo can significantly reduce irritation and itchiness. Baking soda also does not contain any added artificial fragrance, which is appealing to those who want a mild shampoo that doesn’t leave a heavy, cloying scent behind.

Traditional detergents can dry the hair out, mainly due to the fact that the majority of them contain sudsing agents. Often times, regular shampoo will completely strip the scalp of natural oils, which will result in dry, parched hair that is unmanageable. Baking soda shampoo does not contain sudsing agents or other drying components, and will gently cleanse the hair without stripping all of the oils. Regular use should result in hair that is healthy, shiny, and clean.

Another benefit of using a baking soda shampoo is that it costs significantly less than traditional shampoo. A large container of baking soda usually costs a fraction of the price of a bottle of shampoo. Most who use the baking soda also add water to it, which will make it last longer. Only a small amount of baking soda is needed to cleanse the scalp, and the shampooer isn’t paying for the fancy packaging and labeling associated with regular shampoos.

Baking soda shampoo is also more environmentally-friendly than commercial detergents. Materials go to waste when shampoo bottles are thrown away, but the use of a baking soda shampoo will cut back on waste significantly. The ingredients in the baking soda are also non-toxic and are good for both your hair and the environment.