How Do I Make a Vinegar Rinse?

A vinegar rinse can remove mineral and product deposits from your hair as well as increase shine. This at-home beauty treatment is incredibly easy-to-make, and can be tailored to your specific hair type and needs. To start, determine what herbs will benefit your hair and then infuse the water with them. Let the mixture cool, pour it into a bottle that has either a small opening or a spray nozzle, and mix in vinegar of your choice, keeping the ratio of vinegar to water low at first.

Though it is not necessary, adding herbs to a vinegar rinse can take this natural hair treatment to another level, providing more benefits than just cleansing and an increase in shine. Sage can help to increase moisture, while rosemary can reduce oil as well as treat dandruff. If you are looking to make your hair grow faster, peppermint and basil can potentially stimulate the scalp. Using herbs in your vinegar rinse can also bring out the natural highlights in your hair. Rosemary tends to work best for those with dark hair, while chamomile can add dimension to lighter locks.

Once you’ve determined what types of herbs you would like to use, place a small amount of one or more in a piece of cheesecloth and tie it into a bag. Bring about 2 cups (475 mL) of water to a rolling boil and then drop the bag of herbs into the water, taking the pot off of the heat immediately. At this point, you need to let the herb water steep in the same manner that you would tea, except for a longer amount of time. A minimum of one hour will usually suffice, although two tends to work best. After this point, remove the bag from the water; if there are any small pieces of herbs floating around, run the water through a strainer.

Pour the infused water, or plain water if you are not using herbs, into a container, preferably one that has a small opening. As you will be pouring the vinegar rinse directly over your hair, a larger opening can make it difficult to control where the vinegar concoction is going. For even more control, you can also pour the water into a bottle with a spray nozzle

The final step is adding the vinegar, which can be of any variety you prefer, although most recipes call for apple cider vinegar. It is, however, usually a good idea to avoid overly-thick or artificially-colored vinegars, as they can have negative effects on your hair. In most cases, apple cider, white, and rice wine vinegar are best, and most are usually cost-effective.

The amount of vinegar that you use will depend on your hair type. To start, try adding a quarter of a cup (60 mL) to the water, shaking the bottle with the opening covered to mix everything together. If you have very thick or oily hair, you can potentially go up to 1 cup (240 mL) of vinegar to every 2 cups (475 mL) of water. To prevent overly drying your hair out, start out small and slowly increase the amount every time you do a vinegar rinse until you find the perfect combination for your hair.