What Is Involved in Beauty Mark Removal?

Methods for beauty mark removal can vary depending on the specific characteristics of the beauty mark. Some people refer to moles as beauty marks, and these may need to be shaved, cauterized, or treated with lasers to remove them. Beauty marks that are flat and look like large freckles or age spots can be simpler to take away, because they are usually smaller and do not grow beneath the surface of the skin. Bleaching creams, laser treatments, and chemical peels can often make these dark spots less noticeable or even remove them completely. Some beauty mark removal treatments, such as bleaching creams, can be used at home, while others, like laser treatment and surgeries, are performed by a dermatologist.

Surgical options for beauty mark removal include cutting, shaving, or cauterization. For larger moles that will not respond effectively to other treatments, surgery may be the best option. If a mole or beauty mark is large, stitches may be needed, and the procedure can leave a scar. For this reason, some people may prefer to use this treatment for moles that are not located on visible areas of the body. Once a mole has been surgically removed, there is also a chance that it will grow back, and the procedure may need to be repeated several times to be effective. If a mole that has been surgically removed grows back, it should be evaluated by a doctor to make sure it is not cancerous.

Laser beauty mark removal is one of the most effective methods and can be used for moles, age spots, and other skin discolorations. These can be caused by sun overexposure, aging, or natural skin pigmentation. A laser procedure involves removing the topmost layers of damaged skin to reveal healthier skin below. A patient may experience redness and irritation along with other side effects after a laser procedure, and some topical treatment may be necessary. Most of the time, people who choose this type of treatment will need to avoid sun exposure, which can cause beauty marks to come back.

Topical treatments to remove skin discoloration and age spots are also available, but these are not usually effective on moles. Chemical peels and microdermabrasion treatments remove outer layers of skin to help remove beauty marks and other dark spots along with wrinkles. Patients usually experience little downtime from these procedures, but as with laser treatment, will need to stay out of the sun and be diligent about applying sunscreen.

Many local drugstores and pharmacies sell bleaching creams over the counter, which are another option for beauty mark removal. Unless the mark is large, however, it can be difficult to apply the cream only where it is needed. If it gets onto the surrounding skin, this skin will also be lightened. In general, bleaching creams are not considered to be as effective as other methods of age spot and mole removal.