What are the Different Types of Sage Essential Oil?

Sage essential oil is one of several varieties of calming essential oils. Three different types of sage essential oil blends are available. They include Common sage, Spanish sage, and Clary sage. Each has its own aromatic uses and compositions.

Common sage essential oil is scientifically known as salvia officinalis. This translates from Latin to the phrase to heal or to save. A popular cooking oil, it has been used since Roman times for its medicinal properties. Its primary uses included aiding women with menstruation, menopause, and childbirth problems. As a folk remedy, the oil has been used across the globe in many countries.

With its many medicinal properties, common sage is often used to treat several conditions in conjunction with other aromatherapy supplies. Some conditions that common sage oil can be used to treat include anxiety, water retention, congestion, herpes, rheumatism, and angina. The herb itself is also considered a good source of antioxidants.

Spanish sage is known as a cure-all essential oil in Spain. Scientifically known as salvia officinalis, it was once believed to be a remedy against the plague and other infections. One of several calming essential oils, Spanish sage essential oil has been used to treat depression, hormonal imbalance, inflammation, gum or skin infections, stress, headaches, asthma, hair loss, and many other conditions. People thought that using Spanish sage could bring about longevity and fertility. It was also used to combat rheumatism, menstrual problems, and digestive disorders.

Clary sage was typically used as a nerve tonic during the Middle Ages. Also called salvia sclarea, its scientific name comes from the Latin word clarus, meaning to clear. Clary sage gets its name for its mucus-clearing properties. The herbal remedy has also been used to help treat menstrual problems, digestive complains, uterine issues, and kidney disease. Other maladies Clary sage is used to treat in aromatherapy include postpartum depression, fatigue, varicose veins, sleeplessness, and low libido.

Both Spanish and Clary sage oils contain ketones, which can cause uterine muscle stimulation during pregnancy. For this reason, the oils should be avoided by women who are or may become pregnant. These types of aromatherapy oils should not be used on children, either, and they can also worsen epileptic symptoms. Aromatic types of essential oils like the variants of sage are often used for their scents. All three varieties can be used as deodorants.

Chemically composed of esters, Clary sage essential oil is considered to be notoxic. It is not recommended for use during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or childhood. Using the oil after drinking alcohol is also not advisable, as it can increase the symptoms of drunkenness.