What is Face Lift Tape?

Face lift tape is a product designed to help pull back sagging skin of the face and neck. It is usually attached to the area just behind a person’s ears. It is then normally held in place with a string that goes around the head and is covered by the hair. It has often been used by people in the entertainment industry as an alternative to cosmetic surgery. It can also be used by anyone who would like to give their face a more youthful appearance.

This product typically consists of two clear pieces of tape with a peel-off backing, one for each side of a user’s head. It also contains a piece of string that may be somewhat elastic. In order to use face lift tape, a person must first peel the backing off one of the pieces of tape. She could then stick this piece to the side of her face near the ear or temple. Next, she might use the string to pull the facial skin tight, before connecting it to the tape on the opposite side of her head.

After applying this product, an individual normally styles her hair in such a manner as to hide the tape. For this reason, this product is often pressed slightly into the hairline. The string also comes in a variety of colors to help blend in with a person’s hair color.

When first using face lift tape, a person might feel some tightness in the back of the head, as well as in the temple area. This usually becomes more bearable after a few uses. There are normally no unusual side effects noted from the application of the adhesive tape to facial skin.

Face lift tape can often help a user look younger without expensive or invasive surgical procedures. This is because it can lift sagging skin, especially around the temples and eyes. It can also help smooth fine lines and wrinkles in the cheek and jaw area.

This product can usually be purchased from a beauty supply store or online. It is generally easy to apply and remove for most people. When properly attached to the face and covered with a person’s hair, it is usually not noticeable. This can mean face lift tape could be a good choice for a person who would like to look younger without undergoing a potentially dangerous face lift procedure.