What is a French Pedicure?

A French pedicure is much like a French manicure, the main difference being that the particular style of polish is applied to the toenails instead of the fingernails. This kind of pedicure is marked by nails that are polished with two colors. The first color that is applied is a neutral translucent color that is close to peach in tone. This first color is applied over the entire nail. The second color that is applied is pure white.

The key feature of a French manicure or pedicure is the application of the white nail polish, which is painted in a thin line to the very top of the nail. It is usually the portion of the fingernail that extends just beyond the bed of the fingernail. Depending on the length of one’s nails, the width of the band of white polish will vary.

Many women choose to have a French pedicure at the beginning of warm weather months so that their feet look nice in sandals and open-toed shoes. Other women maintain a French pedicure all year long. A French pedicure, as compared to a pedicure done with a vibrant color of nail polish, looks more natural and leaves the feet looking neat and well-cared for. Some prefer this look to the look of toenails painted with bright pinks or reds, which are common shades of nail polish.

In addition to the application of polish, it is common for pedicure treatments to include a number of other treatments for the feet. Most spas include skin buffing, callus removal, and a foot massage in their pedicure treatments. It is also possible to have reflexology incorporated into a spa pedicure. Some spas also offer paraffin treatments for clients who have particularly dry skin on their feet. These treatments are often options for spa clients who have booked French pedicures as well as pedicures that only require a single color of nail polish.

It is not impossible to give oneself a French pedicure at home. The key difficulty is getting an even white line across the tops of each of the nails. There are a number of kits that can be purchase with tools for at-home French pedicures. These kits are quite common and can be found at many drugstores and pharmacies. At-home kits are a good option for people who want the look of a French pedicure but don’t want to pay spa prices.