How do I Choose the Best Marketing Workflow?

The best marketing workflow for a company depends heavily on the type of company and the available budget or marketing. The marketing world hosts a plethora of marketing techniques a savvy designer can craft into an effective marketing workflow. In most cases, using low- or no-cost marketing methods like websites, blogs, and social networking sites can be a low-risk means of marketing and gathering information about the type of customers who frequent your business. Traditional marketing methods like buying advertising are the next step in an effective marketing workflow. When traditional marketing proves ineffective or too expensive for the budget, guerrilla marketing tactics can shake up marketing for your company.

A marketing workflow is a marketing plan tailored to improve awareness and perception of an organization. Differences in organization size, types and goals can mean taking a different direction to reach an effective marketing plan. You may also consider marketing workflow types you have used in the past to guide you toward more successful marketing plans. Understanding the reasons for failure or poor performance in past marketing plans can help you plan better marketing tactics in the future.

With more people on smart phones with constant access to an Internet connection, marketing on the Internet is more important than ever. Some customers are so accustomed to a company having a web presence that they question the legitimacy of a company that does not market on the Internet. Examples of online platforms you can use to market your organization include Twitter, Facebook, Blogger and WordPress. A common rookie mistake made by organizations first marketing online is failure to maintain and update the online presence established by an organization. In a poor economy, a blog or Twitter account that is two months idle could make it seem that your company is closed.

Buying advertising is an expensive step, but it can be a means of reaching paying subscribers tailored to a specific audience. Pick your advertising outlets carefully to ensure that you reach people with money who are willing to buy. Examining statistics from your web traffic can help you figure out where your web visitors came from, which may help you define the right audience for your advertising.

When all else fails, guerrilla marketing tactics can help bring public attention to a company with a stale or nonexistent public presence. Guerrilla marketing involves using surprising and unconventional methods to attract attention to your product, service or brand. Strategies can include media tactics like flooding public awareness with many ads and media appearances or promoting discussion of the company in the blogger community, or they can include shock tactics like pranks and flash mobs.