What Are the Different Types of Trade Show Equipment?

Some common pieces of trade show equipment are booths, tables, and portable flooring. Booths are utilized as a wall where product information and advertisements can be displayed. Another staple piece of trade show equipment is a durable, easily portable table that is sometimes used in combination with table throws to give the display a more branded look. Portable flooring is also used in some trade show displays, usually for decoration or convenience. Finally, specialized containers are used to transport products and equipment to and from shows.

Trade show booths are the center of attention on some displays or a backdrop on others. Booths offer a place to post information about a product and are highly customizable through the utilization of hook-and-loop fasteners and magnetic accessories. They are usually collapsible so that they are easy to transport.

A portable table is an essential part of a trade show. Most portable tables are made of plastic and lightweight metals and are designed to be simple to take apart and move. This piece of trade show equipment is often designed to be scratch-resistant and easily cleaned. Portable tables usually have supports that fold into the surface of the table to be less bulky for transportation. Some fold around the legs and come together at both ends so that straps can be used to carry them.

Table throws are used in combination with portable tables to make the tables look more professional. In addition, a table throw can be in company or product colors and prominently display logos. Throws are normally designed to hang to the floor on all edges or leave the back open for comfortable sitting.

Portable flooring can be added to a trade show display for appearance and comfort. People spending a lot of time at a trade show can benefit from the extra cushion provided by foam flooring. Portable flooring can be chosen according to a color scheme to tie in with displays and set a mood. This type of trade show equipment can be found in a wide variety of color schemes and can be connected together so it stays securely on the floor.

Many different types of transportation gear are available specifically for trade shows. Typically, this equipment incorporates heavy-duty plastic to protect products and equipment during transportation to and from trade shows. Transportation equipment comes in many sizes, from small canisters with straps that can be hung over a shoulder to large rolling trunks that contain the largest products.