What Are the Different Types of Advertising Media?

One of the foremost thoughts in a businessperson’s mind is how to advertise his or her business. Many companies have specific departments setup to handle the task. Before one can make an educated decision on how to advertise his or her business, he or she must understand the different types of advertising media. Online, digital, print, television and radio advertising are all types of advertising media. Each type might not work for every business, but understanding what each one is and whom it targets will help a person decide which options are best for his or her business.

Online advertising has become increasingly popular with many businesses because of its relatively wide reach. Businesses have many options when it comes to using the Internet for advertising. Many sites allow a business to advertise using a type of bidding system that allows it to select its target market and the daily amount it would like to spend on advertising. Businesses might also choose to purchase ad space to appear on certain sites that serve their target market.

Digital advertising is a form of advertising media that allows a business to purchase ad space to appear in video games, digital video, digital radio and other forms of digital media. Although some digital advertising appears on the Internet, some of it does not. Some video games that are played on computers and video game consoles have digital advertisements.

Traditionally, print advertising has been the most popular form of advertising media. This type of advertising includes ad space in newspapers, books and magazines as well as brochures, pamphlets, flyers and business cards. Many businesses carefully weigh the cost versus the benefit of print advertising, because some businesses might not have a target market that utilizes certain print media. With that said, brochures, pamphlets, flyers, and business cards are all great tools for business owners to have on hand at all times, because many people like to have these small tidbits of information available in order to learn about the business.

Television and radio advertising are two of the more expensive advertising media options. Local television and radio channels might sell ad space to a local business that is looking to promote itself. Larger companies with a national or international base might choose to purchase ad space on network television stations or satellite radio channels because of the larger audience that these options offer.