What is a Media Coordinator?

Media coordinators are professionals who are responsible for identifying, evaluating, and securing advertising on behalf of a client or employer. Coordinators of this type will look at public relations and advertising such as radio, television, Internet, and even print options such as newspapers and magazines. The goal of any media coordinator is to determine which forms of media will allow the organization to reach its intended audience in the most effective manner, while also keeping costs as low as possible.

A media coordinator often wears a number of different hats while pursuing the best advertising options. In some ways, he or she may function as an events coordinator by arranging gatherings of media representatives in an attempt to learn more about the possible approaches to advertising through each type of media. At other times, the media coordinator may function more as an information coordinator, gathering in data related to various forms of advertising media and conveying that data to an employer or client. This systematic gathering and assimilating of advertising data can be extremely helpful in the creation of new marketing campaigns, as well as in refining existing publicity and marketing efforts.

In terms of background, most employers prefer that a media coordinator have a four-year degree in a related field, as well as a minimum of two years practical experience in advertising or some other profession that involves knowing how to work with various media outlets. A demonstrated ability to work with several tasks at the same time, as well as a high degree of organization is key to success in this particular profession. The ability to articulate information in a way that clients and employers can readily grasp how that information relates to the task at hand is also very important.

It is not unusual for a media coordinator to function as a liaison between representatives of various media companies and the marketing team. As part of this effort, the coordinator will review every word of a print ad, every detail of a radio or television commercial, and scrutinize each aspect of online advertising of any kind. Ultimately, the coordinator is accountable to his or her employer or client for how the organization is represented via its advertising.

Working as a media coordinator can be pursued in one of two ways. One option is to work for a specific business or organization. In this scenario, the coordinator focuses all his or her efforts on identifying and helping to create media advertising for an employer. A second option is to establish a media coordination business, and take on several different clients. With this approach, the coordinator will likely work closely with sales and marketing personnel associated with each client, possibly participating in the actual development of the marketing materials themselves.