How do I Install a Fireplace?

To install a fireplace, you need to carefully follow a series of steps, many of which depend on the type of fireplace you are installing, the requirements of local building authorities, and the current structure of your home. The steps necessary to properly install fireplaces include the obtainment of appropriate building permits, the construction of a chimney, the insertion of the fireplace unit itself, and the creation of a mantel. While some savvy, experienced homeowners may undertake this project on their own, most home experts advise hiring or working closely with seasoned professionals when installing a fireplace.

The first thing you need to decide on is what type of fireplace you’d like in your home. Most people choose either an open wood fireplace or a gas fireplace. For the purposes of construction, a gas fireplace is a far easier option, as it does not require construction of a chimney.

After you have decided on your fireplace, you will want to check with local building authorities to see if your region requires you have a permit to build and install a fireplace. Many regions do require this paperwork, and homeowners should be prepared to wait weeks or months to attain the necessary documentation. Additionally, you should check with your insurance company to make sure it will cover the installation of a fireplace should anything go wrong.

Thirdly, you need to consider the set-up of your home. If you do not already have a chimney, you will need to hire someone to install one for you. This can be a costly undertaking, and you may want to opt instead for a gas fireplace, which does not necessitate the use of a chimney.

The next step to install a fireplace involves inserting the unit itself into the wall. If you have a wood-burning unit, this needs to be installed at the base of the chimney. If you go with a gas fireplace, you need to make certain that the fireplace can access your home’s gas supply safely and effectively. Every fireplace unit is manufactured with different installation instructions, guidelines, and tips. It is important to follow these directions closely in order to install your fireplace correctly.

Once the unit is in the wall, the last step to install a fireplace entails building a mantel. Most fireplaces contain mantels as an integral part of the finished decor. These can be designed according to your own specifications and can add a personal touch to a prefabricated fireplace unit.