How do I Choose the Best Knitting Magazine?

Knitting magazines feature project patterns as well as new stitching techniques. Some magazines feature a variety of knitting projects at different skill levels, while others focus in one or two areas. In order to choose the best knitting magazine for you, take some time to look at various publications in libraries, bookstores, craft stores and yarn shops.

Don’t just look at the knitting project featured on a magazine’s cover, but flip through the pages to see how many items in the publication you’d like to knit. If there are at least several items you’d like to make, it may be worth it for you to buy the knitting magazine or subscribe to the publication as long as you have the knowledge needed to make the projects. If none, or only one or two, of the knitting projects appeal to you, you’d be best off to look at other magazines.

If you like many of the projects featured in a knitting magazine, but they are too complex for your skill level, it’s best to choose a publication with easier items to knit. If you keep with the craft of knitting and learn new stitches, eventually your skill level will increase. Beginning knitters must know how to cast on and off stitches as well as have the basic knit and purl stitches mastered before making the projects in most of the magazines. You can practice beginner’s knitting techniques while making very basic scarves and dishcloths in rectangles and squares. Unless knitting magazines specifically say on the cover “for beginners” or something to that effect, the projects are likely to be too difficult for those who have never knitted before.

Knitting publications with projects labeled “easy” typically expect knitters to have mastered beginning knitting enough to create easy sweaters and hats with minimal shaping techniques. Read the pattern instructions for the pieces you would want to start making to make sure you’re familiar with each technique. If you’re not, check to make sure the knitting magazine includes instructions for shaping and other techniques that you clearly understand. If you’re looking for a magazine to show you how to knit in new ways, such as in using cable needles when you’ve only ever knitted with straight ones, again, be sure you understand the instructions.

One good way to find a knitting magazine with projects that are likely to appeal to you is to look for knit specialty publications from your favorite publishers. For instance, many women’s magazines publish special craft issues, such as for knitting and crocheting. You can send the editor of your favorite general magazine a letter or email the publication’s general office to ask if it publishes any knitting magazines.