How do I Choose the Best Scrapbook Sayings?

A scrapbook crafter often wonders how to choose the best scrapbook sayings that creatively express the feelings or theme of the page. There are many resources to help a person choose the proper scrapbook sayings, and knowing where to look for these sayings often is the key to expressing the proper mood. Generally, if a scrapbooker defines the theme of the page — baby shower, wedding, vacation, etc. — he or she can look on the Internet or through scrapbook magazines or books to find some appropriate sayings. Alternatively, scrapbook creators can look to books of poems or quotes or even family and friends for inspiration.

There are many places other than the Internet to look for scrapbook sayings. Scrapbook magazines and how-to books usually have sayings that readers are free to use. Some scrapbook suppliers have print booklets or compact discs containing sayings and titles that they offer through advertisements in magazines. Many scrapbook creators use books of poems and quotes as well as other nonindustry sources.

Sometimes the best scrapbook sayings are not from a book or other commercial source. The best sayings often are quotes from family, friends, or the people pictured on the scrapbook page. A person might use part or all of the wedding vows on a page with the wedding party, or use a baby’s first word as a title on a baby page. A scrapbook maker might use a word or phrase that one of the featured people says frequently. Some scrapbook makers get creative and have the people in the pictures sign the page or write a brief message.

Many scrapbook creators have copied definitions from a dictionary, thesaurus, or other reference book. For a baby scrapbook, a person might consult a baby name book for a quote about the meaning and origin of the baby’s given name. For an older child’s page, a scrapbooker might choose quotes from the child’s favorite book. Quotes from movies, television shows, and song lyrics can lend color to a page.

If the scrapbook is about a vacation trip, the maker often can use brochures and literature from the trip as a source of inspiration. Pamphlets, booklets, catalogs, and other material generally have clever maxims that make great scrapbook sayings. If a person has written a trip diary, parts of the notations typically make for personalized titles.

Choosing the best scrapbook sayings sometimes is as easy as using a rubber or clear acrylic stamp or printed sticker. Many stamp and sticker manufacturers create sayings tailored to different scrapbook themes. These often are popular with people who want to feature fancier writing than their own handwriting.